New Year, New Plans! How are You Preparing for 2019?


Hey Boo’s! I hope you all are doing well amidst all of the holiday craziness. I know so many of us are getting ready to spend time with our families, buying the perfect gifts for everyone and just trying to soak it all in before the New Year hits. Running around and counting your coins may have you a bit occupied at the moment sis but I want us to stop and talk for a second about what we are doing to prepare ourselves for after the holidays. Now I know there are many of you that have your New Years Eve outfit picked out and you’re all set to get out here and give the girls fashion but, have you picked out your game plan for 2019?

You know this wouldn’t be a real beauty squad if we didn’t help in holding each other accountable in being the best we can be! Thats why i’m going to share a few of the things i’m doing right now to prepare myself and my business for the New Year and I want you to share yours too.

First things first, I’m making it a point to complete the tasks I’ve already started and put the finishing touches on any projects I started in 2018. There were a few plans I had for my business in August that I really wanted to make sure I got done before the end of the year, and because at times I can be a procrastinator.. here I am, middle if December just now getting some of them fully done and out of the way LOL Its okay, I don’t mind being honest. There are a few of you out there that I know have to understand first hand what I mean. I also made some personal goals for myself and have been making sure these last 2 months to really go at those, making them apart of my daily life so in the New Year they feel like second nature. For example praying and journaling more have really been personal goals of mine that I’ve been enjoying embracing and going after.

Next, Ive been Planning. If you know me then you know I love me some good ol stationary Chile. I write everything down and love using this to keep me on track. Using an actual planner to keep me organized really helped me stay on track with goals and appointments this year, and I’ve already started planning for next year. Michaels craft store usually has really cute planners in all sorts of designs and styles ( ). I also discovered and completely fell in love with their social media content planner for entrepreneurs! Definitely check them out if you are someone who is growing a business online and needs a great way to stay organized and keep track of important marketing dates for the New Year.

I couldn’t do this list at all without mentioning one of my favorite ways to prepare for a new season, Me Time. Taking time out to feed your own spirit and indulge in the things that make you most happy is essential in living a full and balanced life. Ive been going full force at all of the things that bring me joy like being active in a book club i’m in, writing in my prayer journal, having good keke with my bffs on FaceTime as often as possible and having some sweets after along day of work a couple times a week (yea girl I said a couple). Living life only thinking of the future will rob you of all the precious moments in your present. Don’t forget to take some time to clear your mind and actually enjoy your holiday season with those who are important to you, and that includes you.


Alright boo, hopefully you were able to take something away from what I’ve been doing to prepare myself for the New Year and maybe even added some things to your own list. Speaking of your own list of goals, don’t forget to comment below one way that you have been working to make sure you have a bomb 2019 in the comment section below. Cant wait to hear from you!