Dishpan Hands: Is Over Washing Causing Itchy Skin?

Lately there has been an increase of hand washing in my daily routine and I’m sure in many of yours as well. While I have struggled with the gruesome itch of eczema my whole life, I’ve never had to deal with it on my hands, until now. In many black households some older folk will tell you that if the palms of your hands itch, that means money is on the way! Sadly though in many cases recently, the incessant itch and dry patches are most likely due to over washing and antibacterial soaps.

Hand Eczema

Hand eczema can be genetic or a result of recent or frequent contact with allergens that are irritating to the skin. Back in the day this would often be referred to as “Dishpan Hands”, a nick name given to red, rough or chapped hands caused by sensitivity to excessive use of detergents or other cleansing ingredients. Dyshidoric Eczema is also a type of hand eczema most commonly found in women that causes small itchy blisters on the palms of the hands. Of course to be actually diagnosed with these conditions, especially in severe cases you should make an appointment with your dermatologist to figure out the best treatment plan.

Calming The Irritation

Fortunately for us there are some temporary solutions and things to avoid when dealing with hand eczema or just dry skin in general. If you’ve been experiencing itchy, dry hands due to over washing or harsh weather conditions try:

  • Washing hands in lukewarm water

  • Cleansing with fragrance free soaps

  • When possible, avoid or alternate between moisturizing hand soaps and antibacterial ones as these contain higher amounts of alcohol and further dry out the skin

  • Apply moisturizer while hands are still damp

  • Dont pick at scabs or blisters so they have time to heal

  • Avoid submerging hands in water for long periods of time when possible


Just like moisturizing our face is essential, so is moisturizing our hands. Most moisturizers are water based however in this case you want to use a cream or ointment that is oil based. Water evaporates more quickly giving the skin on your hands temporary relief but oil based moisturizers are able to lock in water keeping the skin moisturized for longer periods of time. Also, petroleum jelly works as a great sealant and further helps to lock in moisture, so when in doubt slap some vaseline on top of that moisturizer for some extra cushion!

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