Beginners Guide: 4 Steps to Healthy, Happy Skin!

The truth about skincare is that all of it depends on what it is your skin actually needs to get it in its most healthy state! Skincare routines are not one size fits all, because everyone has different needs and concerns. However, there are definitely 4 critical steps in any healthy skin journey everyone benefits from.

Skincare can be a hard road to navigate sometimes, especially with so many products on the market claiming to be the best. No matter what line you choose to look into first your first goal should be finding a good Cleanser!

Cleansing the skin at least once a day gives you a solid foundation no matter your skin type. Cleansing daily removes excess oil and impurities that collect on the surface of the skin. Not doing so can lead to clogged pores and bad bacteria causing break outs. All that, as well as how it affects the overall look and feel of the skin is why you can’t have healthy skin without keeping it clean.

Next up is my favorite step, Toning. Now, there is a lot of misinformation about what toners do and which ingredients make them affective. You should always keep in mind that toners, at their most basic level are meant to rebalance skins PH and HYDRATE. This is because while cleansing we remove some of our natural oils and moisture and need to replace them. Also, product absorption and efficacy is improved when applied to damp, hydrated skin.

Everyone and their mama has either purchased or heard of the St. Ives Apricot scrub so I know some of you know what Exfoliating is, even if you’re doing it wrong. Exfoliation is a key factor in removing dead, dull skin cells. This also helps to speed up the cell turn over process which in the most simple terms just means keeps skin looking and feeling younger, longer. Exfoliation methods come in two forms, chemical and physical. Physical exfoliants are more abrasive, like a scrub. Whereas chemical exfoliants include your AHAs like the ever popular glycolic acid! You should be exfoliating at least twice a week and no more than 3 times a week.

Last and certainly not least, everyone and I do mean EVERYONE needs a moisturizer. Yes, even if you’re oily.. especially if you’re oily! Moisturizing everyday greatly reduces the risk of extreme dryness as well as oiliness. It also helps fight signs of aging, keeps skin looking youthful and feeling smooth. You get bonus points if your moisturizer contains an SPF of 30 or higher, SPF should be the last step in all routines especially if you are exposed to direct sun light daily! Also notes that things like Vaseline and face oils are great for SEALING in moisturizer but ARE NOT moisturizers themselves and shouldn’t be used alone but instead on top of your daily moisturizer if you choose to use them. Maintaining a healthy balance of moisture and hydration in the skin is going to be very important for keeping and even, balanced tone and texture.

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