Mental Health: Why You Need Personal Boundaries

These days I’m feeling a lot of different emotions. Some of them I let in and some of them are creeping in late at night causing 3 hour panic attacks that I didn’t ask for, hard to call that balance but it’s all I got right now. I know I’m not the only person out here feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what’s going to happen next.. its not a good feeling and we are all trying to deal with it the best way possible. Finding ways to keep my mind off of things has really been helping me deal and I’m appreciative of that. Without the distractions, productive or not I might really be loosing my mind right now.

All of this has brought up a topic that I feel is worth talking about and thats boundaries. When I’m feeling overwhelmed or anxious its understanding what my personal boundaries are and holding myself as well as the people around me to the task of respecting them that helps keep me sane . Setting personal boundaries for your mental health is key to being in control of what you do or do not let into your space.

Boundaries with friends and family. Me and one of my closest friends are really good at checking the temperature of the situation before we just “go in” on each other. If he calls me to vent about some bs in his work or personal life, he doesn’t forget to first ask me how I am doing or if I’m in a space that can handle him unloading those frustrations onto me and vice versa. Establishing healthy boundaries and requirements in relationships with people close to you can really come in handy during times where mentally, you just can’t handle anymore excess but don’t want to sound dismissive of their feelings. It has nothing to do with not caring about the problems of other people but more so affirming that the issues you are personally dealing with at the time matter as well; sometimes even the smallest venting session can be too much to handle. Being able to understand and reciprocate those same boundaries is important as well, we have to give just as much as we are expecting to receive.

Boundaries with Social Media has always been important, but its even more important when social media is feeding you a bunch of things that lead to stress or irrational thinking. I find myself on twitter and instagram just as much as the next person, I can not tell a lie. However when the content you’re consuming on those apps that you have the ability to remove, start to negatively affect how you deal with life its time to do just that... remove them! I have some of my friends muted on twitter specifically for that reason, while I may enjoy them in real life their posts don’t always support a healthy mindset and I can not always afford to subject myself to that every 5 minutes. Speaking your mind freely is a privilege and trust me I too enjoy the mess that comes across the TL but sometimes, a disconnect is needed.

Boundaries with co-workers. Now see this, this is something I don’t play about. Ive had times where getting too cozy with my co workers has left me feeling played and I don’t like that. When building any type of relationship with someone its important to consider wether it is based on real interest and connection or because of proximity! Everyone “close” to you does not need the full details of your life nor do you need theirs, personal or not. When you allow relationships based on proximity to become too personal you end up inviting in a bunch of unnecessary drama. Now I’m not saying don’t be nice to your co workers but I am saying it could be worth considering if you would be as willing to allow that person a certain position inside your space, if you had met them on your own terms.

Overall your mental is the one place where for the most part, you get to decide what goes on. Setting boundaries in areas of your life that you see fit and communicating them with the people around you will always help you keep a clear head and heart.

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